(Equivalent to 14 Hours CEU)
The Compassion Fatigue Specialist Training (CFST) is an intensive Compassion Fatigue resiliency program developed with the caring professional in mind. This course is designed to provide professionals with in-depth understanding of Compassion Fatigue & recovery interventions using the Accelerated Recovery Program (ARP, Gentry, Baranowsky & Dunning, 1997). This course provides all the tools necessary to implement the five-session ARP protocol for assisting professionals who have become compassion fatigued.
The Compassion Fatigue Specialist Training (CFST) is an intensive Compassion Fatigue resiliency program developed with the caring professional in mind. This course is designed to provide professionals with in-depth understanding of Compassion Fatigue & recovery interventions using the Accelerated Recovery Program (ARP, Gentry, Baranowsky & Dunning, 1997). This workshop provides tools necessary for the participant to implement the 5-session ARP protocol for assisting the caring professionals and paraprofessionals. The program is both didactic and experiential.
All participants are required to download and complete the assignments posted on the www.psychink.com website HERE
This program is for skilled mental health professionals who wish to assist caring professionals deal with the impact of Compassion Fatigue. Interested participants may include therapists/counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, clergy, employee assistance professionals, clinical supervisors and other helping professionals.
Participants will:
- Train experientially in each of the techniques utilized in the ARP
- Learn evaluation and treatment protocols to assist compassion fatigued care-providers
- Develop prevention and resiliency skills for self and others
- Understand the meaning of Compassion Fatigue in the lives of care-providers
- Recognize compassion fatigue triggers and early warning signs
- Identify and utilize resources & plan for resiliency and prevention
- Master arousal reduction methods & grounding and containment skills
- Resolve internal/external conflicts & commit to wellness and self-care
- Discover resolution exercises to assist in the release of emotional wounds that limit abilities
Students are required to complete all training materials on-line, complete quizzes, read through the manuals and other recommended materials. Certificates of Completion for the course will be provided once all requirements are met.
Canadian $169.00 plus applicable taxes. Students will have 160 days access to this course.
Compassion Fatigue Specialist Training Manual (Training Manual for Course TI-207)
Compassion Fatigue Therapist Manual (Therapist Manual for Course TI-207)
Compassion Fatigue Client Manual (Client Manual for Course TI-207)
Course pre-requisites:
Participants are required to have the following qualifications to enroll in these programs:
A minimum of a Master’s Degree or higher qualifications within a counselling type program or enrollment in a Master’s level program with a counselling mandate
A minimum of 4 years of counselling work with ongoing supervision.
In the Clinical Traumatologist stream, courses have been limited to those students with appropriate qualifications.
If we learn that a student does not meet our minimum qualifications, he/she will be removed from the program, will not receive a Certificate of Completion and course fees will not be refunded.
Please ensure that you understand this disclaimer.
TI-207 Compassion Fatigue Specialist (Therapist) $169.00 CAD