(Equivalent to 7 Hours CEU)


Overview of Assessment & Interventions covers clinical interventions, assessment approaches, research, theory and practical applications to help the Traumatologist assist clients. Materials focus on how to conduct assessments/evaluations that might contribute to a professional diagnosis. Participants learn to distinguish between normal and distressed behaviour, handle cases with skill, and minimize negative impact upon the client and family.


This course will benefit psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, master’s level counselors and other skilled mental health professionals who work with trauma survivors or wish to gain skills to do so. Participants will enhance their practice specialty in the area of trauma recovery.

Participants will:

  • Overview history, theory and treatment methods associated with traumatic stress disorders
  • Increase knowledge of types of expertise in assessment & treatment options for disorders of extreme stress
  • Identify post-traumatic stress responses and disorders from the perspective of trauma theory
  • Identify the major symptoms of acute and chronic post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Identify key instruments used to assess disorders associated with traumatic stress
  • Understand phase-oriented treatment with trauma survivors and implementation of a tri- Phasic treatment model
  • Understand the proposed and theoretical “active ingredients” to effective trauma treatment
  • Discuss how the therapist may effectively employ the “self” as a tool for healing


Students are required to complete all training materials on-line, complete quizzes, read through the manual and other related or recommended materials. Certificates of Completion for the course will be provided once all requirements are met.

Canadian $75.00 plus applicable taxes. Students will have 160 days access to this course.


Overview of Assessment & Interventions (Manual for Course TI-202)

Course pre-requisites:

Participants are required to have the following qualifications to enroll in these programs:
A minimum of a Master’s Degree or higher qualifications within a counselling type program or enrolment in a Master’s level program with a counselling mandate
A minimum of 4 years of counselling work with ongoing supervision.


In the Clinical Traumatologist stream, courses have been limited to those students with appropriate qualifications.

If we learn that a student does not meet our minimum qualifications, he/she will be removed from the program, will not receive a Certificate of Completion and course fees will not be refunded.

Please ensure that you understand this disclaimer.


TI-202 Overview of Assessment and Interventions  $75.00 CAD