In this course we cover job mandate; training needs; job stressors; front line fatigue/compassion fatigue; identifying key features of those we serve; hazards of Correctional Facilities Service Work; enhancing skills in Correction Facilities Service Work; face-to-face duties; de-escalating difficult interactions; communication strategies; Resident approach strategies; community & workplace evaluation; coping with difficult outcomes; follow-up strategies; prevention & resiliency skills and brief look at supervision strategies.
This course will benefit Correction Facility Support Workers and other skilled support providers and administrators. Participants will enhance their practice specialty in the area of work .
The purpose of this program is to provide a enhanced ability to manage correctional facility job stressors, harness our best skills when working with potentially traumatized incarcerated populations, build a toolkit of CFSW approaches in the JST Certificate stream and understand how to manage our own reactions and warning signs. The chief learning objective is to expand upon the professional’s existing knowledge and expertise in Correction Facility Support Work while learning about the target service provision group, gain job enhancement skills, and manage personal reactions in high demand field of correction facility support positions. More Info